Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Day My Heart Met Australia

As the plane got closer to Australia, I felt a shift...a feeling in my if it was being opened....not on a physical level, but deep inside my being.  I could feel it in my heart...I felt emotions and a connection coming to the surface....What is this??... I wondered...  I closed my eyes  and connected inside my heart...something I do especially when I feel something my mind can't explain...I saw streams of a golden light illuminating from my was's as if  it was being unlocked.  It was all very new and familiar at the same time...  Suddenly I felt a rush all over my body.. in a way that I haven't felt before...I  felt very different in my if I was being introduced to a part of my heart I hadn't met before but knew very well...I knew it was a blessing...It was my heart and soul connecting.....connecting to a the the people...mother the reasons I was actually coming to Australia...reasons I had yet to connect to until this moment.... reasons I would discover much more as my time down under continued.....join me....on my heart opening adventure to a beautiful sacred Divine Time in Australia

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